Tekomari Runner Beans

  • $4.00
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If you want proof of magic beans, look no further. This hardy and beautiful plant produces the biggest beans you've ever seen, perfectly smooth and mottled in blues, purples, blacks, whites and greys. Plants climb over 10 feet and boast long arms of bright red flowers that attract varied pollinators, including hummingbirds. Amazingly cold tolerant- this variety produced flowers and stayed green longer than any other bean on the farm.

Please note that due to their size, there are 10 beans in each pack (as opposed to the normal 30 for all our other bean varieties).

This bean comes to us from the Tarahumara (or Rarámuri) people of the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico. Though their cultural practices have been under threat due to colonization since the 16th century, they have managed to maintain many of their traditional ways of living, including their language and staple diet of beans and corn. They are known around the world for their speed, with adults often running 50 kilometres a day! 

Between the striking red flowers, the giant variagated beans, and the story of the mountain-runners who bred them, this bean is a really fun addition to the garden, especially if kids are around.

Source: https://apnews.com/article/mexico-indigenous-runners-tarahumara-mountains-raramuri-e1915da4a0f63b9ea930fde57b699990

Grown organically with love and tenderness in the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada, in the summer of 2024. Germination tested December 2024. Minimum 10 Beans.