About Us
Franken Farm is a small-scale, organic seed farm located in the northern Bruce Peninsula, Ontario. Everything is sustainably grown, harvested, packaged and sold by myself, Megan Franken. I specialize in endangered, heirloom and native varieties of vegetables and flowers. My emphasis is on quality, harvesting only from the healthiest of plants and rigorously testing all seeds for germination prior to sale. Each year I am expanding my catalogue to include more diversity in species and variety.
Preserving the variety of vegetables is part of Franken Farm’s mission statement. Over the past 100 years, 1000s of fruit and vegetable species have been lost due to the rise of monoculture and the suppression of traditional seed saving. Many vegetable varieties that are perfectly suited to the backyard grower are lost because they are not suitable for selling at a large grocery store. Seed savers like myself are the final frontier for these varieties. By buying from Franken Farm, you are helping in the fight to save the many wonderful varieties we still have left!
Regenerative agriculture and sustainability is at the core of Franken Farm. I strive to integrate modern organic agriculture with traditional, pre-colonial methods to achieve a self-sustaining agricultural system. Using methods such as selective weeding, cover cropping, and rotational growing, Franken Farm is not only producing seeds but feeding the land and providing a habitat for a diverse array of species.
A little about me: I grew up in a rural community and returned to the countryside about 8 years ago. I feel most at home in nature, and have been an avid environmentalist since I was a young girl. After studying environmental science in university, I came to believe that small-scale, sustainable agriculture is one of the keys to healing our world. I then spent 5 years apprenticing on small farms before starting my own. Aside from selling seeds, I also do talks on seed saving and growing. I care especially about the intersection of farming with community-building, queerness and disability, and I hope that Franken Farm can be a sanctuary not only for nature, but for people from all walks of life.
Feel free to email me with any and all gardening and farming inquiries at frankenfarmseedco@gmail.com.